BigmommaKat Intros Honey to Couch Squashing
My Rating:
Category: Fat
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 6/15/2014


BigmommaKat is back and she brought a friend along to learn the ropes. In a year's time BMK has gained pretty much legendary status. She's sat on guys a million different ways, trampled guy with all of her glorious 600 lbs, surfed on guys, smothered guys, butt dropped guys in bathtubs, and generally just destroys guys in stunning fashion.

The logical progression is to start showing other beautiful and big women the ropes, and that's what we have here.

Honey has a long ways to go until she learns to throw her weight around like Kat. But it's sexy in a way seeing her naive...

BigmommaKat Intros Honey to Couch Squashing

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