Aunty Julie gives a good hard hand spanking. As usual there's lots of telling off or scolding. Near the end she starts laughing because her naughty boy hit her finger when she was shoving it in his face. She bursts out laughing, regains her composure than takes a wooden spoon to his bare backside. I've left the outtake in because it shows the real Miss Granger.HD 1280x720 .mp4 will also work on iPad 2 or later.
Aunty Julie gives a good hard hand spanking. As usual there's lots of telling off or scolding. Near the end she starts laughing because her naughty boy hit her finger when she was shoving it in his face. She bursts out laughing, regains her composure than takes a wooden spoon to his bare backside. I've left the outtake in because it shows the real Miss Granger.HD 1280x720 .mp4 will also work on iPad 2 or later.