my nose is blocked, do you understand it? I can not give up because inside my nose and sinus is a runny nose. A very gay secretion, you'll see it in this movie, it shoots from my nose directly at the camera. In this film I do irrigation of the nose, I have to squeeze it, unstick it, I have to breathe! see how the liquid devastates the inside of my nose, a lot of saliva, a lot of cold from the nose.
my nose is blocked, do you understand it? I can not give up because inside my nose and sinus is a runny nose. A very gay secretion, you'll see it in this movie, it shoots from my nose directly at the camera. In this film I do irrigation of the nose, I have to squeeze it, unstick it, I have to breathe! see how the liquid devastates the inside of my nose, a lot of saliva, a lot of cold from the nose.