(Want your own custom video? Message me at my email at the top of my page GALASXXX ) Hannah & Galas encounter 2 huge heat stretched Shamus outside & they are determined to destroy them! They bounce harder & harder. When the whales get soft from all of the bouncing Galas inflates them with a pump while Hannah rides the expanding whale & they inflate their tails by mouth. Now that they are even more tightly inflated they bounce until both POP!
(Want your own custom video? Message me at my email at the top of my page GALASXXX ) Hannah & Galas encounter 2 huge heat stretched Shamus outside & they are determined to destroy them! They bounce harder & harder. When the whales get soft from all of the bouncing Galas inflates them with a pump while Hannah rides the expanding whale & they inflate their tails by mouth. Now that they are even more tightly inflated they bounce until both POP!