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GEA DOMINA- BALLBUSTING (slave in prison)
My Rating:
Runtime: 7 minutes
Category: Ballbusting
Date Added: 11/05/20, 12:55 PM


Io, Mistress Cleo e Mistress Gaia liberiamo lo schiavo in prigionia ma sono per prenderlo a calci nelle palle,

a turno, finché non lo vediamo soffrire e patire per il nostro piacere.

Lo teniamo in due mentre una di noi lo prende a calci e ci scambiamo. Quanto resisterà?

Me, Mistress Cleo and Mistress Gaia free the slave in captivity but I'm about to kick him in the balls, in turn, until we see him suffer and suffer for our pleasure. We hold him in two while one of us kicks him and we swap. How long will it last?
GEA DOMINA- BALLBUSTING (slave in prison)

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