Brutal Burgenot Burglar Beatdown
My Rating:
Category: Beatdowns
Runtime: 14 minutes
Date Added: 6/8/2018


Is it a dream of yours, or is it a nightmare? Being overpowered by a sadistic girl who is sitting on top of you and is constantly beating the **** out of you? And you are not just laying there to take it, you're to stay with ur arms caught between her legs, so you can't defend it? And even worse, this girl is a gym rat with trained taekwondo skills and knows how to hit? She is hitting effective and delightful. She takes her time to flex her impressive biceps before she hits and repeats. You see it coming, you can prepare to take it. You need to take it. There is no option.

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Brutal Burgenot Burglar Beatdown

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