Nightmare Crusher - Succubus Demon Dream Diaries
My Rating:
Category: Executrix
Runtime: 13 minutes
Date Added: 2/6/2018


It ́s what fear under their bed. Behind the curtain. In the wardrobe. A Poltergeist, a demon, something bad seeking for their souls.

And it ́s what we, adults, know as phantom lore from parents telling.

But sometimes we fear nightmares, although the time long behind, we still don ́t feel safe in our beds. When suffering a nightmare, we wake up, sooner or later, and then we feel released from the pain, the clamps of nightmares squeezed on our heart and soul. Waking up from a nightmare is like feeling born and being presented to have a new day in life.

But what, whe...

Nightmare Crusher - Succubus Demon Dream Diaries

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