Look at you-stealing the keys to the little car-it must have been hard dragging them across the carpet...Pity-I told you you were to tiny, to small to short to drive....I told you, you could drive when you were 1 inch tall...What were you thinking-you could get into an accident and hurt someone-and who would be resposible? ME!!! Something must be done about your little pathetic self-I guess I will do what I do to all of my tiny trouble makers....Crush you beneath my GIANTESS FEET! Right into the carpet.
Look at you-stealing the keys to the little car-it must have been hard dragging them across the carpet...Pity-I told you you were to tiny, to small to short to drive....I told you, you could drive when you were 1 inch tall...What were you thinking-you could get into an accident and hurt someone-and who would be resposible? ME!!! Something must be done about your little pathetic self-I guess I will do what I do to all of my tiny trouble makers....Crush you beneath my GIANTESS FEET! Right into the carpet.