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A Feast for the Eyes: A Worshipper's Delight of a Goddess's Appetite starring Giantess Katelyn Brooks
My Rating:


♥ Watch me sink my perfect teeth into a delicious meal of drumsticks and mango. Worship as I savor every mouthful, knowing that some day it will be you going down my throat! ♥

Until it becomes possible to grow into a Giantess and feast upon skyscrapers, civilization, and pleasure myself to everything entailed in my fury, I have been enjoying the company of of my shrunken slaves... especially while I EAT MEAT! Today I pick YOU as the lucky one who gets to keep me company during my lunch. A lunch fit for the Goddess I am. Straight up protein -two drumsticks- and a juicy mango later o...

A Feast for the Eyes: A Worshipper's Delight of a Goddess's Appetite starring Giantess Katelyn Brooks

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1080p - mp4 1770MB
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