I all of my naked captives under my bare feet. I crunch just a few under my ass too. What happened is they decided to send a few to distract me last night and meanwhile they all tried to escape. Their plan failed, big time. How'd they plan on opening my front door to get out? What would they do at their tiny little size in a huge world? Doesn't matter, they didn't even make it that far and if they did they would have probably got squashed by the local joggers. Haha, they totally get what they deserve and you get to watch every second of it in this clip! Because of the huge file size I have lis...
I all of my naked captives under my bare feet. I crunch just a few under my ass too. What happened is they decided to send a few to distract me last night and meanwhile they all tried to escape. Their plan failed, big time. How'd they plan on opening my front door to get out? What would they do at their tiny little size in a huge world? Doesn't matter, they didn't even make it that far and if they did they would have probably got squashed by the local joggers. Haha, they totally get what they deserve and you get to watch every second of it in this clip! Because of the huge file size I have lis...