Vanessa Rain Belly Button Interrogation Torment By Officer Orias
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Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 9/25/2021


Vanessa Rain is all chained up to the table as Officer Orias stands over her, interrogating her for her crimes. Orias has an electric shock wand, and tells Vanessa if she lies, she will electrocute her. Orias rubs her belly and asks what happened, Vanessa told Orias she was beat up and it wasn’t her fault... but Orias checks her belly (where Vanessa said she was hit) and fingers her belly button, asking how it feels. Orias spits in Vanessa’s belly button, and licks her belly button, seeing if it hurts Vanessa or if she’s just lying. Orias holds the shock wand over Vanessa’s belly, and threa...

Vanessa Rain Belly Button Interrogation Torment By Officer Orias

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