She's 19 years old. She's 5'3" and weighs 109 lbs. She's a university student and competitive athlete. She's BJJ Girl! Over the years, we've worked with countless models of all different shapes and sizes. Never though, have we had such a petite model demonstrate such impressive strength. We thought BJJ Girl would be able to do a short piggyback ride. But we couldn't believe it when she was able to do piggyback rides, cradle carries, fireman's carries, over one shoulder lifts (with flexing!) and even side suplexes! Oh, and these aren't just a few second lifts. She holds them for extended length...
She's 19 years old. She's 5'3" and weighs 109 lbs. She's a university student and competitive athlete. She's BJJ Girl! Over the years, we've worked with countless models of all different shapes and sizes. Never though, have we had such a petite model demonstrate such impressive strength. We thought BJJ Girl would be able to do a short piggyback ride. But we couldn't believe it when she was able to do piggyback rides, cradle carries, fireman's carries, over one shoulder lifts (with flexing!) and even side suplexes! Oh, and these aren't just a few second lifts. She holds them for extended length...