GPV Carlotta: Cheer Groceries 3
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Category: Panty Fetish
Runtime: 3 minutes
Date Added: 7/28/2014


Your sexy cheerleader girlfriend Carlotta is back from the store again, so guess who gets to watch her put more groceries away?

She has a new uniform this year, complete with white spankies (but no panties underneath them) - and you get to see plenty of them from the usual angles as she gets up on the stepstool. On the other hand, when she goes to the fridge she actually gets down on her hands and knees instead of bending over, so we get a sort-of doggy style look up her skirt!

If you like this cheer uniform, you can also see it on Your sexy cheerleader girlfriend Carlotta is back from the store again, so guess who gets to watch her put more groceries away?

She has a new uniform this year, complete with white spankies (but no panties underneath them) - and you get to see plenty of them from the usual angles as she gets up on the stepstool. On the other hand, when she goes to the fridge she actually gets down on her hands and knees instead of bending over, so we get a sort-of doggy style look up her skirt!

If you like this cheer uniform, you can also see it on Rose .

Girlfriend: Carlotta
Panties: White cheerleading spankies
Scene: Groceries
Video Type: WMV (Windows)
Video Size: 960 x 540 (mobile)

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GPV Carlotta: Cheer Groceries 3

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