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18 year old Sophie is smoking a cigarette whilst dancing on her slaves head, Sophie is wearing a white tank top with demin shorts and brown leather boots, Sophie looks so hot in this video as she faces different directions whilst dancing on him as her victims face turns red through the pain she is inflicting on him, there are 2 different angles of the same dance here one where the camera is on the tripod filming them both and the other is a floor cam version where the camera is placed on the floor pointing up, this is a great angle your looking up from the floor as she is dancing on his sku...
18 year old Sophie is smoking a cigarette whilst dancing on her slaves head, Sophie is wearing a white tank top with demin shorts and brown leather boots, Sophie looks so hot in this video as she faces different directions whilst dancing on him as her victims face turns red through the pain she is inflicting on him, there are 2 different angles of the same dance here one where the camera is on the tripod filming them both and the other is a floor cam version where the camera is placed on the floor pointing up, this is a great angle your looking up from the floor as she is dancing on his sku...