mandy has got some new diapers. Slipping one on her pussy begins to tingle right away and she knows she just has to wet it! She's held on to a really big wee to give this diaper a real challenge. Laying on her bed she lets go, the pee is so hot as it hisses in to her diaper. She pees so much that she TOTALLY floods her diaper and soaks her bed sheets! mandy for sure should be double diapered!
My Soggy Dripping Diaper!
Mandi (Different model from above) is relaxing in her diaper. She's supposed to be studying a book for school but her mind is completely else where. Her diaper feels so good pr...
mandy has got some new diapers. Slipping one on her pussy begins to tingle right away and she knows she just has to wet it! She's held on to a really big wee to give this diaper a real challenge. Laying on her bed she lets go, the pee is so hot as it hisses in to her diaper. She pees so much that she TOTALLY floods her diaper and soaks her bed sheets! mandy for sure should be double diapered!
My Soggy Dripping Diaper!
Mandi (Different model from above) is relaxing in her diaper. She's supposed to be studying a book for school but her mind is completely else where. Her diaper feels so good pr...