EXPLOSIVE In My Diaper!!!
My Rating:
Category: Diaper Fetish
Runtime: 26 minutes
Date Added: 10/11/2013


I'm supposed to be going out tonight but I'm so constipated! I've sat on the toilet at least four times in the last hour and nothing! As the cramps in my tummy get worse, I decide I'm going to sort this problem out myself rather than have it ruin my night.

I pull my enema kit out of the cupboard. It's one of those really big ones and it's never let me down before. I fill up the bag with warm water and then get down on my hands and knees with my bottom poked up in the air to get the nozzle in.

As I push the nozzle up my bum, I can feel how packed with it is already! I wr...

EXPLOSIVE In My Diaper!!!

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