Watch Rae, a 20 year old Arizona girl, struggle to free herself in this 2 part clip. Laying atop the bed and wearing a nice black dress, she first finds herself handcuffed with a pair of German hinge cuffs locked on her wrists. Given the keys she has to free herself. the 2nd part has her hinge cuffed and thumbcuffed, again given the key to free herself. The clip is 2:20 long
Watch Rae, a 20 year old Arizona girl, struggle to free herself in this 2 part clip. Laying atop the bed and wearing a nice black dress, she first finds herself handcuffed with a pair of German hinge cuffs locked on her wrists. Given the keys she has to free herself. the 2nd part has her hinge cuffed and thumbcuffed, again given the key to free herself. The clip is 2:20 long