Honour May Magically Disembodied Head and Feet NBM
My Rating:
Category: Erotic Magic
Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 5/29/2020


Honour’s disembodied head lies on the floor. She is embarrassed. She says things like she was so excited to practice, she should have waited, hope her body is ok without her, wonder what it is doing, what will the magician say when he comes home, etc. Basically this is an uncomfortable situation. She yells out a couple times for her body, then gives up. She'll just have to wait for the magician.

Scene cuts to headless body, legs crossed, sitting on the edge of the bed. She's wearing a dress and high heels. Her feet are moving, and her legs are crossing and uncrossing. The...

Honour May Magically Disembodied Head and Feet NBM

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