Honour’s disembodied head lies on the floor. She is embarrassed. She says things like she was so excited to practice, she should have waited, hope her body is ok without her, wonder what it is doing, what will the magician say when he comes home, etc. Basically this is an uncomfortable situation. She yells out a couple times for her body, then gives up. She'll just have to wait for the magician.
Scene cuts to headless body, legs crossed, sitting on the edge of the bed. She's wearing a dress and high heels. Her feet are moving, and her legs are crossing and uncrossing. The...
Honour’s disembodied head lies on the floor. She is embarrassed. She says things like she was so excited to practice, she should have waited, hope her body is ok without her, wonder what it is doing, what will the magician say when he comes home, etc. Basically this is an uncomfortable situation. She yells out a couple times for her body, then gives up. She'll just have to wait for the magician.
Scene cuts to headless body, legs crossed, sitting on the edge of the bed. She's wearing a dress and high heels. Her feet are moving, and her legs are crossing and uncrossing. The magician walks in his room and sees the headless body. He touches the body (thighs, feet, tits) for a bit. No nudity, she's just wearing whatever outfit she came in.
Scene cuts back to the head on the floor; the magician walks in and the head says she is sorry for practicing without him. He bends down, makes a little small talk, and touches her face, nose, lips, ears, whatever possible. She's still embarrassed and asks for forgiveness. She asks for the magician to pick her up and set her head on the couch.
She thanks him for not picking her up from her hair.
Scene cuts to head laying on couch. The magician has left.
After a minute, (offscreen) the magician goes to her body. Next scene shows her body with no head sitting on the edge of the bed with legs crossing and uncrossing and feet moving. The magician begins rubbing her legs and grabbing her tits.
He grabs her arm and plays with it and her hands for a little bit. He then looks at her legs and feet, he touches her legs and lift them up individually. He then takes off each of her shoes and plays and licks her feet. He starts wondering if her feet come off too.
Next scene shows magician playing with her detached feet on the bed, soles up and wiggling toes a bit. He holds her ankles and lightly touches her feet.
We can hear Honour in the background asking if the magician is still there. Will he restore her head onto her body. She says she can’t feel her body. The guy grabs her feet by the ankles. The magician worships her feet.
Last scene shows her head on the couch. Her feet have been put back onto her body, shoes back on, and the body is sitting next to the head on the couch. The legs are crossed and the body is not moving. The scene splits for a moment showing the magician picking up her head.
Then the scene shows the magician standing in front of Honour’s headless body and it appears he is putting her head back on. She thanks him. He asks if they want to go to another room and get ready to practice the sawing a lady in half illusion.
She says yes and they both stand up and walk out. Scene fades to black.