You've been having difficulty maintaining an erection at home with your wife so you decided to see a . You arrive to the 's office and the that is going to help you with your erectile dysfunction is Brianna. She is dressed in a low cut blouse, a short skirt and heels. This is embarrassing to talk with a woman so beautiful about your lack of erection. But, it's this or the blue pill.
Brianna sits you down and explains that everything you say is completely confidential. Anything you tell her will stay in the strictest confidence. She asks you a few questions about the history o...
You've been having difficulty maintaining an erection at home with your wife so you decided to see a . You arrive to the 's office and the that is going to help you with your erectile dysfunction is Brianna. She is dressed in a low cut blouse, a short skirt and heels. This is embarrassing to talk with a woman so beautiful about your lack of erection. But, it's this or the blue pill.
Brianna sits you down and explains that everything you say is completely confidential. Anything you tell her will stay in the strictest confidence. She asks you a few questions about the history o...