Screw your “CHRIST”mas! Celebrate *KINKY* Kwanzaa with Me and one week of orgasm control: Day 5
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Runtime: 5 minutes
Date Added: 12/31/2016


It’s no secret that Southern preachers relied *heavily* on the Bible to defend and justify slavery. In the Old Testament, God and the Patriarchs approved. In the New Testament, Jesus and the Apostles show that slavery is permissible. The book of Ephesians even states that slaves should serve their masters and sincerely as they would serve Christ himself. Slavery was a divine necessity that brought salvation to the “heathen” from across the ocean... and I’m supposed to celebrate the birth of a man whose very existence was used as the foundation for oppressing My ancestors? Elle. Oh. ELLE! FU...

Screw your “CHRIST”mas! Celebrate *KINKY* Kwanzaa with Me and one week of orgasm control: Day 5

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