This is another installment of True Tales of Domination A view from the Bottom as told by subMassive Narrated by Goddess Cheyenne
This is a 3 part series
Part 2
Part 1
Going to Goddess Cheyenne session i never know what She will do to me. The unknown is very exciting for submissive. One of my favorite fetishes is being in bondage, in tight, strict bondage i can’t escape. i have never experienced that unescapable bondage until today session with Goddess Cheyenne.
i am completely naked...
This is another installment of True Tales of Domination A view from the Bottom as told by subMassive Narrated by Goddess Cheyenne
This is a 3 part series
Part 2
Part 1
Going to Goddess Cheyenne session i never know what She will do to me. The unknown is very exciting for submissive. One of my favorite fetishes is being in bondage, in tight, strict bondage i can’t escape. i have never experienced that unescapable bondage until today session with Goddess Cheyenne.
i am completely naked in the middle of the room while Goddess is wearing high heels, stockings, leather shorts with leather corset and bra. Her hair in high pony tail to finish Her strict look! my cock is getting hard just standing there naked.
She starts making rope harness around my upper body chest and shoulders. In this moment i don’t know what’s Her plan is with me but feeling the rope getting tighter around my body is very exciting. When She is done with the upper body rope harness She orders me to lay down on the floor. my hands behind my back are getting tied up now. With every knot i feel my freedom is slipping away. Only submissive can understand and appreciate this feeling while getting tied up by Female Dominant.
Now i helplessly laying down here on the same level of Goddess’s feet. Every opportunity i get i look at Her feet and shoes when She walks by. i want to kiss them so bad but i know the time will come when She lets me worship them but first She will have to put me where She wants me. In this point i know i am getting in some type of bondage but not know the degree of the severality.
my upper body is now strictly tied up. i just tried to wiggle on the floor but the knot are too tied. Only what i am accomplishing by this is rubbing my cock on the floor to get my cock harder. “you are not going anywhere slave boy” Goddess said and laugh.
Now She is getting my legs all tied up my thighs and around my ankles. i am all naked and tied up. No escape from this position and Goddess stepping over my tied body to get more ropes. What an incredible feeling of being completely under Her cock is hard and i keep rubbing it on the floor. Most people wouldn’t like to be in this helpless position but i am really enjoying it. Being helpless under Goddess control makes is always something i wanted and makes my cock always hard. She is not done yet! Now i am hearing electric lift over me coming down. i struggle to flip on the side to see what’s happening. Goddess start laughing and say: “I am not done with you yet slave boy!” and push me with Her shoes to roll me back on my stomach. She attaches more rope to my body and electric lift. Oh my! i have never been in inescapable bondage like this plus i will be elevated in the mid air. The lift turns on and my body starts dragging on the floor for a little bit until i am a few inches from the floor. In this moment Goddess stops in make sure everything is fine and secure before She lift me higher.
Checked done and She is taking me higher. What an incredible feeling! i am in strict tight bondage and lift in the air. my cock is hard and higher i go more exposed it’s getting. i am about 4 feet of the floor and Goddess stops. She grabs muzzle and securely it place on my head to keep me quiet. She attaches another rope to pull my head back.
The art of bondage is complete! Now i am in submissive heaven. i am under Dominant Female control naked, hanging in the mid air all tied up. No escape! i am spinning helplessly around while Goddess walking around me and She is enjoying Her victim suffering! i love to suffer for Goddess! i love being in this submissive, helpless position. i am craving, looking for it, enjoying it, asking for it nothing has me more excited than being under Her control.