Your TRANSFORMATION is almost complete... I tricked and BRAINWASHED you into becoming one of my fully sissified FEMBOTS!
Stubble has been replaced with make up, muscles have been turned back to fat, vitamins have been replaced with female hormones and your suit has been replaced with slutty lingerie. Even your cock is different now, as it is permanently LOCKED UP in a CB6000, inoffensive and redundant, hidden underneath your panties. BUT there is one more step before your tranformation is complete... You need to know how to SUCK COCK!
I am going to re-program your mind so...
Your TRANSFORMATION is almost complete... I tricked and BRAINWASHED you into becoming one of my fully sissified FEMBOTS!
Stubble has been replaced with make up, muscles have been turned back to fat, vitamins have been replaced with female hormones and your suit has been replaced with slutty lingerie. Even your cock is different now, as it is permanently LOCKED UP in a CB6000, inoffensive and redundant, hidden underneath your panties. BUT there is one more step before your tranformation is complete... You need to know how to SUCK COCK!