'Ecce Divinas is the second installment in a three-part, transformative audio series for beta males who seek truth and guidance regarding their inner selves and the world around them. Behold the Divine Women delves deep into the dynamics at play in the world currently. Masculinity has brought the world out of alignment, pushing the divine feminine into the corner while spreading imperialism though narcissistic wars and depleting the earth of ts beauty and resources. However, the power of divine femininity is beginning to tip the scales once again. Where will this leave you, when the new order ...
'Ecce Divinas is the second installment in a three-part, transformative audio series for beta males who seek truth and guidance regarding their inner selves and the world around them. Behold the Divine Women delves deep into the dynamics at play in the world currently. Masculinity has brought the world out of alignment, pushing the divine feminine into the corner while spreading imperialism though narcissistic wars and depleting the earth of ts beauty and resources. However, the power of divine femininity is beginning to tip the scales once again. Where will this leave you, when the new order ...