Making you pay down my credit card turns me on just watching you type in your bank account numbers and click pay off balance him for a whole $11,000. You just gave me for 10 minutes of my time now that’s power. The power that only I have over you know what next credit card or bill can I make you pay? Knowing your place and the power I have over you turns you on so much your cock is hard right now. The thrill of just giving me $11k is still pumping through you and down to your groin. Reach down and stroke for me, I know you want to cum for me but not this time! I want you aching and submissive ...
Making you pay down my credit card turns me on just watching you type in your bank account numbers and click pay off balance him for a whole $11,000. You just gave me for 10 minutes of my time now that’s power. The power that only I have over you know what next credit card or bill can I make you pay? Knowing your place and the power I have over you turns you on so much your cock is hard right now. The thrill of just giving me $11k is still pumping through you and down to your groin. Reach down and stroke for me, I know you want to cum for me but not this time! I want you aching and submissive ...