TINY INFESTATION - Giantess, Foot Fetish, Tiny Figure
My Rating:
Category: Giantess
Runtime: 14 minutes
Date Added: 12/23/2021


Carmen Valentina is Jamie's new roommate. The last roommate moved out abruptly after the last infestation. Jamie did not want to mention the infestation to Carmen when she moved in. Jamie was hoping the exterminator did his job and there were no more. As Carmen is about to go out she finds a tiny man in the hallway outside. She has no idea what it is or how it happened and she grabs him and brings him inside to show Jamie. Jamie freaks out and tells Carmen about the past infestation and demands that Carmen discard of him outside. Carmen brings him in the dining room and see's how cute and t...

TINY INFESTATION - Giantess, Foot Fetish, Tiny Figure

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