Goddess Lexc
My Rating:


Goddess Lexc , your Superior Bratty Sadistic Ebony Goddess . I exist simply to be worshipped. My luxurious life embodies shopping daily , vacations monthly, living in luxury and naturally being so fucking sexy . When serving Goddess you are to bestow to one if not all of my daily needs . Simple sends include $10 coffee and can range to 5k + for shopping sprees or airfare. Everyday whether you send or not you are to asseverate Good Morning my beautiful Ebony Goddess as well as Goodnight my beautiful ebony goddess. This will succor you never forget your place as my inferior servant. Debt contact...
Goddess Lexc


Bikini Beta Bitch
Bikini Beta Bitch
02/24/24, 06:47 PM 12 min

Not Rated

Locked & Lured
Locked & Lured
02/25/24, 08:05 PM 15 min

Not Rated

02/18/24, 09:55 PM 14 min

Not Rated

Ass Inveigle
Ass Inveigle
05/10/23, 09:00 PM 15 min

Not Rated