Do you know how easy you had it when you were younger, it was obvious what you were supposed to do with your HARD cock, grab it and stroke it. When I was younger I did not know I could stroke My clit with My fingers and slowly tease fingers deep inside My pussy, like most I humped pillows.
That is what you are going to do, when I have worked up into a frenzy and you are hard and willing to do anything for Me you will rub that hard cock up and down a pillow, gyrate your hips, fuck that pillow like a little bitch for Me. I will show you how I did it, I will encourage you, I will drive you CRAZY...
Do you know how easy you had it when you were younger, it was obvious what you were supposed to do with your HARD cock, grab it and stroke it. When I was younger I did not know I could stroke My clit with My fingers and slowly tease fingers deep inside My pussy, like most I humped pillows.
That is what you are going to do, when I have worked up into a frenzy and you are hard and willing to do anything for Me you will rub that hard cock up and down a pillow, gyrate your hips, fuck that pillow like a little bitch for Me. I will show you how I did it, I will encourage you, I will drive you CRAZY...