I love domestic slavery, I get so many messages from potential slaves out there begging to be one of my live in slaves. I usually keep two or three 24/7 slaves around my home and the types of slave I look for, generally fall into one of three categories. Domestic Slave: for cooking, cleaning, laundry and menial household duties. Whipping boy: What can I say, I like to beat slaves until they fall at my feet in a quivering mess. Fuck toy: I like to keep my slaves cocks under lock and key at all times, but the fuck toy is occasionally released if me or any of my friends want to our...
I love domestic slavery, I get so many messages from potential slaves out there begging to be one of my live in slaves. I usually keep two or three 24/7 slaves around my home and the types of slave I look for, generally fall into one of three categories. Domestic Slave: for cooking, cleaning, laundry and menial household duties. Whipping boy: What can I say, I like to beat slaves until they fall at my feet in a quivering mess. Fuck toy: I like to keep my slaves cocks under lock and key at all times, but the fuck toy is occasionally released if me or any of my friends want to ourselves upon it and take what we need.
The fuck toy has been trained over a period through severe beatings and electric shock therapy to cum only on command, its cock is fat and it gets fucked daily by me and the ladys in any way we choose, occasionally I invite some male friends over and we all watch, laughing as they savage the fuck toy for our entertainment. I keep my house slaves in a full body suit which covers everything from head to toe, I never want to have to look at any of them, I find this hygienic and I a wonderful way of dehumanizing them even further. Only the fuck toy is allowed holes in its suit for its gagged mouth, butt plugged ass and caged cock. You will see more of these domestic slaves over the coming months, but for the next set of releases I am going to focus on the fuck toy.
Its Sunday night and I am winding down from a busy weekend of sessioning, what better way to do this than to have the fuck toy on the floor under my feet in a stress position. I take compromising photos of this pathetic little bitch and start posting them on social media. I like to keep the fuck toy's cock locked up and its mind in complete fear and control. It will get up and go to work on monday morning in chastity, terrified that I will expose it online. I receive its paycheck every month and it lives in its cage until I or any of my friends want to use it. I begin by ignoring it, rubbing my legs all over it and dangling my shoe over its head as I kick back on my sofa and relax, as the evening progresses I get more and more sadistic and those scenes will be released later this week.