My period is just starting today and I am going to document my progress with every update possible. In this first clip I remove my diva cup that is filled and empty it in the toilet then wash it in the sink. Since my flow is so heavy I am going to have to wear a heavy duty pad so I remove the small panty liner and place a large bulging pad on my bright blue panties. Its super puffy. I then show you what the diva cup looks like sticking out of my vagina. I then talk about my period, what exactly i'm feeling and about my cramps.
My period is just starting today and I am going to document my progress with every update possible. In this first clip I remove my diva cup that is filled and empty it in the toilet then wash it in the sink. Since my flow is so heavy I am going to have to wear a heavy duty pad so I remove the small panty liner and place a large bulging pad on my bright blue panties. Its super puffy. I then show you what the diva cup looks like sticking out of my vagina. I then talk about my period, what exactly i'm feeling and about my cramps.