I have made this sissy mp3 frankly, to fuck with your head. You are going to put on the headphones, press play, sit back and listen. This session that is going to transform your mind and the way you feel about your *ehm*, manhood. In more precise terms, it's going to make it disappear, vanish, to be gone. As soon as you slide on that pair of panties, you are going to feel your penis shrink up, curl inside and it's just not going to be there anymore. The panties are very, very tight. They don't come off, they don't slide down. They simply stay put. For the duration of this session your body par...
I have made this sissy mp3 frankly, to fuck with your head. You are going to put on the headphones, press play, sit back and listen. This session that is going to transform your mind and the way you feel about your *ehm*, manhood. In more precise terms, it's going to make it disappear, vanish, to be gone. As soon as you slide on that pair of panties, you are going to feel your penis shrink up, curl inside and it's just not going to be there anymore. The panties are very, very tight. They don't come off, they don't slide down. They simply stay put. For the duration of this session your body par...