Complaining about your crazy ex is pretty much your claim to fame. Everyone knows who she is, and as a result everyone knows who you are... or so you'd like to think.
You've played victim for years, its even on your social media tag. SHE'S CRAZY! you have no idea how difficult she has made my life. Blah blah blah...
But if they only knew the real you. The gaslighter, the narcissist, the liar. THE INCEL.
They might say you two were the perfect couple! Or they might say you got exactly what you had coming. But she's not done with you, not even close. And now you've ...
Complaining about your crazy ex is pretty much your claim to fame. Everyone knows who she is, and as a result everyone knows who you are... or so you'd like to think.
You've played victim for years, its even on your social media tag. SHE'S CRAZY! you have no idea how difficult she has made my life. Blah blah blah...
But if they only knew the real you. The gaslighter, the narcissist, the liar. THE INCEL.
They might say you two were the perfect couple! Or they might say you got exactly what you had coming. But she's not done with you, not even close. And now you've gone and gotten yourself a little girlfriend.
The thing with you though, is that although you are yourself, a pinto, you think you deserve to drive a Porsche. Sportscars with perfect lines aren't easy to come by for a guy like you though so you're getting from point A to point B in a Fiesta. For now. You'll wrap it around a tree the moment you have an opportunity to pick up a BMW.
Does she know that? Sweet little submissive churchmouse is happy just to love and be loved, even if deep down she has speculations you might be a monster. It's not your fault! Damn crazy porn domme has really put you through it. You're a nice guy just.... traumatized, misunderstood.
Eventually she will find out what you're actually like, that you've got no soul. That you were just using her to keep your cock warm until you manifested another porsche.
Being the humanitarian that I am, I decide to spare her that pain.
You wake up at my house and are immediately uptight, defensive and skittish. That's how you are all the time but, seeing nothing familiar but me, you're extra insufferable. I tell you to relax. I tell you that you're not going anywhere. Your lies can't save you this time, and there's nobody here you can convince that you're actually a good guy.
Just me, and I have only one intention and that is to do the world a favor and take you out.
Sure she will cry for a while but, she won't do anything about it. She will find some other ugly incel to give her attention, make her feel beautiful and special during the honeymoon phase, then slowly tear down her self esteem until she believes he's the only one she's worthy of.