starring JENNIFER BLAZE as Wondrous Woman, RICK HUNTER as Mister Nail, and MARIE ADARE as Miss Finger
Wondrous Woman is accused of wrongdoing by the head of security at a local bank that was recently robbed, and she agrees to undergo a test to prove that she's innocent of all charges. What WW doesn't know is that the head of bank security, Miss Finger, is a complete perv and a hardass who will stop at nothing to prove that Wondrous Woman isn't better than any of the rest of us, and Miss Finger seeks to prove that even if it means going back on her word to WW.
Tickling, Arms Over Head (AOH), F/F Groping,, Small Tits, MILF, Begging and Pleading, Rope Bondage, Hogtie, Struggling, Ballgagging, Cosplay, Spandex, Catsuits, Blackmail Fantasies, Face Grabbing, Positions of Authority, Intimidation, Crying, Manhandling, Belt Removal and Debelting, Boot Removal and Debooting, Toe Spreading, Toe Wiggling, Pantyhose and Tights, Pantyhosed Feet, Tiara Removal, Bracelets and Bracelet Removal, Humiliation and Degradation, Powerlessness, Helplessness, Depowerment, Tight Clothing, Big Butts, Brunettes, Comic-Book Peril, Predicament Bondage
Our scene opens with Wondrous Woman (in a hazy-colored ultra-bright flashback from three days prior) tied up in a hogtie on the floor at a bank during a robbery. WWW has been hogtied and her magic belt of power has been taken from her so she's incapable of breaking the ropes on her own. As she struggles across the floor the bank robbers make their hasty escape, leaving WW struggling on the floor like a prisoner as the emergency services people arrive on the scene and view all of the carnage that the bank robbers have caused.
The story moves forward to the current day, where WW is being chewed out by the head of the bank's security department, Miss Finger. Miss Finger is a strikingly-beautiful woman in her form-fitting black spandex catsuit, black leather utility belt, knee-high leather boots, and her stealthy look that shows her years in the espionage business. Her tall, ominous-looking associate is a man clad all in black called "Mister Nail" and he is dressed in a tactical short, black pants, and a subdued "underarmor" set of anti-ballistic clothing.
Miss Finger yells at Wondrous Woman, blaming the amazon princess for letting herself get captured and letting the crooks get away with millions and millions in gold bars and valuable gems. WW defends herself, saying that she did what she could to stop the criminals but that there were too many of them and they had the advantage of surprise on her as well as the added benefit of preparation time and planning. Miss Finger doesn't believe her excuses and claims that WW willingly gave up the code to access the main vault. WW denies this and offers up her magic lasso of truth to prove that she never gave up the access codes. Miss Finger refuses to let WW's "obviously fake" lasso tell her anything that isn't admissible in a court of law.
Miss Finger not only threatens to have the IADC's governmental contracts negated, but Miss Finger also threatens to have WW deported back to Paradise Island as an 'undesirable' and to ban her from ever doing superheroics in the United States ever again! WW finally agrees to let herself be put through a test to determine whether or not WW divulged top-secret information. If WW can go an hour of being tickle- without breaking, then Miss Finger and Mr. Nail will be satisfied that Wondrous Woman was able to resist being pressured with duress into giving up the vault's access codes. Reluctantly, WW turns over her golden belt of power, her magic lasso, her bullet-deflecting bracelets, her telepathic-inducing tiara, and even her priceless red leather boots! Miss Finger cackles as she takes all these costume components of WW's into her custody, somewhat-sincerely saying that she'll 'take really good care of them.'
Once depowered. WW has her arms pinned high above her head and Miss Finger takes delight in pulling down WW's top and playing with her breasts! Groping and fondling her, both Miss Finger and Mister Nail demean and humiliate the superheroine by feeling her up and playing with WW's breasts and nipples, grabbing and playing with them like they were play-toys! WW endures all of this terrible behavior with her legendary stoicism, moaning softly as she is humiliated and objectified by these two 'security experts' who seem to take greater pleasure in WW than in actually getting to the truth.
Time passes, and WW manages to resist for a full hour because the timer goes off suddenly, showing that Wondrous Woman has resisted all of the tickling and all the humiliation for an hour just like she said she did!
Unfortunately, Miss Finger doesn't stop tickling. She just keeps going and going and going while the timer runs down. Miss Finger knows deep down that WW must have been the one responsible for the security leak, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to find Wondrous Woman guilty and prove that she's nothing but a sham right from the beginning. When will this madness end? Will WW ever get free from the degrading test which has no end? Will Wondrous Woman ever get to put her costume back on again? Will her perky nipples ever slowly shrink and fade away back to normal size? Tune in, and find out!