Starring JENNIFER BLAZE as Wondrous Woman, ESTER AMORAL as Psionic, and CLAIRE VAIL as Wondrous Girl
After several long days held as the prisoners of Psionic, both Wondrous Woman and Wondrous Girl awaken to find themselves in new costumes, their old filthy uniforms taken away to be laundered and starched. WW is wearing a crimson pentagram-style bra and star-spangled conservative briefs along with a wide double-pointed golden belt. WG is wearing a red-white-and-blue corset in rich well-tanned leather, little star-spangled cotton boy shorts, and a large yellow utility belt around her wa...
Starring JENNIFER BLAZE as Wondrous Woman, ESTER AMORAL as Psionic, and CLAIRE VAIL as Wondrous Girl
After several long days held as the prisoners of Psionic, both Wondrous Woman and Wondrous Girl awaken to find themselves in new costumes, their old filthy uniforms taken away to be laundered and starched. WW is wearing a crimson pentagram-style bra and star-spangled conservative briefs along with a wide double-pointed golden belt. WG is wearing a red-white-and-blue corset in rich well-tanned leather, little star-spangled cotton boy shorts, and a large yellow utility belt around her waist. Both heroines are still missing all of their power items except for their magical telepathy-augmenting tiaras, and are disoriented and unsure of what has happened to them over the past few days. Not even remembering being stripped out of their costumes though makes the matter somewhat worse. Both amazonian sisters have been tied at the legs in a Greek bondage position called the Quaderus Imposa where each of Wondrous Woman's ankles have been securely tied and fastened to each of Wondrous Girl's thighs. In turn, each of WG's ankles have been tightly tied to each of WW's thighs as well. The Quaderus Imposa was an ancient form of Greek punishment where both prisoners were badly hobbled and the positioning of the feet of the prisoners meant that they chafed and rubbed tightly against the other prisoner's crotch, causing unwanted sexual arousal whenever either prisoner attempted to move or shift their weight to relieve tension and alleviate pain.
Caught in this fiendish bondage trap, WW discovers her golden belt she's wearing is just a useless prop and the devices in WG's utility belt are just harmless toys instead of useful tools. Unable to break the ropes with mere human strength, both amazons try to wriggle free of the knots but the uncomfortable bondage position they've both been stringently put in makes WW snap at her younger step-sister as the ropes bite into her tender skin and make her wince with pain every time Drusilla's foot rams into her sensitive crotch as they struggle. WG tries not to get on her step-sister's bad side but the long weeks of orgasm denial have made Diana very temperamental and acting like a bit of a bitch to her step-sister. WG stoically takes all of this and tries not to make the situation worse. When Psionic arrives the first order of business is to put a big rubber bit-gag in Drusilla's mouth to silence her and then to inform WW that she's going to be allowed to finally orgasm after several weeks of viciously-played denials. To prove this, Psionic attaches a small technological device and connects it with a wire to both WG's pain collar and to the small purple butterfly affixed to WW's pussy. The catch? Every time that WG feels a burst of agony, WW will feel the pleasure, and when WG is at the point of tears from the blinding white-hot pain inflicted by the device, WW will get to cum into her new star-spangled panties but the penalty will be that Wondrous Girl must endure the agony tenfold every time Wondrous Woman wants to orgasm and let the pent-up sexual pressure out of her body. Although WW is perfectly fine with this horrifying arrangement, it is clear that WG is mortified by this sinister deal, and WG is even more shocked when her step-sister (driven mad by masturbatory lust and unfulfilled sexual urges) immediately wants the machine turned on!
As Wondrous Woman explodes with orgasm after orgasm, Drusilla is nearly driven mad by the agony and pain wracking every inch of her body, but she takes it as best she can, her selfless and unconditional love for her step-sister making her press on and on tirelessly in spite of her status as a helpless prisoner of the cruel Psionic. As the last orgasm happens though from Wondrous Woman, both of the amazons find that their magical tiaras have unexpectedly activated, once again linking their two minds together. Psionic (the mistress of telepathic control) has used her device to the 'special link' between the two sisters to activate so that both women can now be affected by her mind-control technology! As her device enslaves both amazonians, the link keeps them both suggestively relaxed and drained of any willpower. Psionic laughs as both Wonder Women fall under her control permanently, the fun has just begun!
The last part of this video ends with both of Psionic's prisoners being marched around the room like slaves, crawling around on their hands and knees like, being led around by collars affixed to their new slave leashes! Diana and Drusilla are ordered to pleasure their mistress Psionic, and give her massages as both of them get on their knees and obey their stern-yet-caring governor. Both women offer no resistance, and no hope for recidivism.
This clip is for lovers of slave treatment and slave training. Both women fight their indoctrination for as long as they are able, but are eventually both broken both physically and mentally by their new mistress Psionic. This clip features topless nudity (WW only), orgasms and orgasm device fetish (WW only), spankings coming from a leather strap 'thumper' paddle, pain infliction derived from others pleasure (WG only), walking on hands and knees, leashes, collars, pet training, lingerie fetish, tight rope bondage, bit-gagging (Wonder Girl only) and cleave gagging (Wonder Woman only), alternate uniform fetish for WW and WG, pantyhose and tights fetish, pantyhosed foot massage (Psionic only), a debooting, plenty of booty shots and slow shots panning across both superheroines.