Powerless Heroines, Girl-Girl Catfighting and Grappling, Multiple Displays of Superpowers (including invulnerability, super-hearing, and super-strength), Debelting and Belt Removal, Eyeglasses Fetish, Nerd and Geek Roleplay, Net Entrapment, Sticky Capture, Sexy Shorts, Busty Blondes, Leotards, Pantyhose and Tights Fetish, Sexy Blondes, MILF, DC vs. Marvel, Signal Watch Fetish, Cape Fetish, Ripping Open Shirt To Reveal Costume Underneath (Brief Scene), Failed Displays of Super-Strength, Peril, Entanglement, Boot Fetish, Dude in (Rope Bondage, Tape Gag, Chair Bondage etc....), Electrical Shock and Cattle Prod (Supergirl is immune, and Jimmy Olsen is not)
Kryptonite Weakening, Kryptonite Radiation Burning, Nylon Womb Encasement, Kryptonite Dizziness and Weakness, Entrapment (Both Heroines), Nets (Both Heroines), Struggling (Both), Stripped of Webshooters, Boot Removal (Both Heroines) and Boot Destruction (Silver Spider only), Secret Identity Revelation, Belt Removal, Displays of Superpower (Invulnerability), Goggle Removal, Cape Removal, Spandex Shorts Removal, Peril, Predicament Bondage, Rope Bondage (Jimmy), Tape Gag (Jimmy), Power Item Confiscation (Both Heroines), Bionic Super-Strength Sounds (two times, for boot-ripping scenes), Eyeglasses Removal
Jimmy Olsen is tied to a chair with conspicuously large rope and the clock is ticking down until Jimmy is blown to smithereens! He grunts and strives to get the chair to the other side of the room, but he is quickly running out of time. Just as things go from bad to worse, Supergirl bursts through the window and flies into the room in order to save him. As she is working to free Jimmy, she is clearly annoyed by the high-pitched whine of Jimmy's new signalling watch, which she can clearly (and painfully) hear with her super-senses. After saving Jimmy from certain doom the notorious Myron Finklestein appears (otherwise known as the Collector) arrives, shutting off Jimmy's stolen signal watch in the process.
Myron is initially angry because he was hoping to lure in Superman with Jimmy as the bait, but he's just as happy with the Girl of Steel. The villain looks Supergirl over lasciviously and makes inappropriate comments about her gender, which annoys the superheroine but she lets it slide for now. Myron says that he's going to defeat Supergirl and his first weapon is a powerful cattle prod used on Mars which has enough voltage to stun a herd of horses. He zaps Supergirl in the upper chest, and then the stomach, and finally her inner thigh, and none of the attacks do more than tickle her skin. Frustrated, the Collector tests the device on Jimmy to make sure it actually works and Jimmy is rocked hardcore by the cattle prod, possibly terminating him from the intense voltage.
The Collector tries a plasma ray-blaster on Supergirl but the superheated radiation and energy just rolls off of Supergirl's giant breasts without doing any harm. He also tries a special titanium crowbar on Supergirl next but again it fails to work because of her invulnerability and Supergirl effortlessly takes the crowbar from Myron and bends it in half using her super-strength. The final game comes into play though when Myron uses a special timer to threaten innocent lives and Maid of Might is to acquiesce to him in order to keep innocent people from paying the ultimate price. Ordered to dance, Supergirl is to demean herself by doing a sexy dance and striptease to a 70's disco song. The Girl of Steel draws the line though when the Collector wants to see her titties, and Supergirl (rightfully) refuses to pull down her top to expose her bosom to the perverted young supervillain.
Silver Spider enters the fray stealthily, easily taking the detonator from Myron and convincing him with brute to turn over the deactivation code by grabbing him by the throat and lifting him two feet into the air and holding him by his fat neck. In danger of running out of air, the Collector blurts out the code and Silver Spider lets him down. Both superheroines argue over who gets the collar for Myron, as Silver Spider wants the bounty and Supergirl wishes to see justice served. Myron plays both sides against one another, trying to weasel his way into a quick escape, but Silver Spider keeps one webshooter trained on him at all times and threatens to douse him in a full cartridge of sticky web fluid if he tries to escape.
Eventually the two heroines fight over the supervillain and it is then that Supergirl realizes that her "solar absorption" device has been away from her body for too long and that her small reservoir of yellow solar power has already faded and now she's a normal woman for right now. Looking to where she puts her yellow belt, Supergirl is astonished to discover that it's missing, probably collected by the Collector! With no yellow solar energy to absorb, the Girl of Steel is feeling "less than super" and proves to not have enough strength and might to capture Myron, and Silver Spider uses this opportunity to catch Supergirl in a stricky green net made from web fluid. Unable to escape the sticky green strands, Supergirl is caught for right now. Can she get free in time to stop the Silver Spider and save Myron?
Supergirl is still trapped in the green webbing and it is slowly growing tighter and tighther as it dries up. Without her super-strength the Girl of Steel is unable to break free and without any of her solar powers she's incapable of using her heat vision or freezing breath to escape. Knowing the end is near, Supergirl tries to conserve her energy. As Myron Finklestein (The Collector) and Silver Spider tussle, Supergirl gets a stroke of good luck as her yellow solar absorption device lands just a few feet away from her during the struggle. As the villain and heroine do battle, Supergirl barely manages to get one hand free of the green sticky net and grabs the belt, instantly flooding her with solar power once more!
Breaking free of the net with ease now, Supergirl stands tall and brazenly tells Silver Spider that she has lost. Silver Spider counters with a devastating stomach punch that would drop any other superhero to her knees, but to the invulnerable Supergirl it does nothing except break Silver Spider's hand when it hits her indestructible stomach! Gloating, Supergirl easily dodges Silver Spider's webbing shots and collects them all into a big ball of green webbing which she throws back at Silver Spider, catching the spider within the confines of her own web! Silver Spider is stuck and cannot get free, and it looks like Zoey Webb has finally been defeated.... until she spies a special green ring laying on the ground twenty feet away. Knowing that it came from Myron's fanny-pack and suspecting what type of stone the ring might contain, Silver Spider gets one wrist free of her web-trap and fires a very thin line of sticky webbing at the ring, snagging it. Pulling it closer, Supergirl realizes too late that the ring is made from pure green kryptonite!
Weakened by the kryptonite, the dizzy and disoriented Supergirl is too weak to fight back, and Silver Spider easily regains the advantage against the "Girl of Steel" by bringing the ring in close to touch the Kryptonian with the ring, where the green radiation 'burns' her skin twice, leaving nasty injuries that will take weeks to heal. Delirious from all the radiation exposure, Supergirl tries to fight back but she's weak as a kitten and soon the dominant Silver Spider has Supergirl obeying all her orders, like to pick her goggles up off the ground, and to pull off her cape and to hand it over to Silver Spider. Supergirl's belt, red leather boots, and then her red lycra shorts all follow suit. Supergirl is only wearing her blue spandex bodysuit now, and can barely stand from all the green energy in her body.
Silver Spider gloats at first, then adjusts her webshooters and puts Supergirl in a special 'womb cocoon' that covers her in a silk tube that restricts all of her movement from the neck down. Unable to escape and stuck in place, Supergirl struggles to get free but the fibers of the womb are like heavy steel wire and she cannot make a dent in the womb! Flailing helplessly, Supergirl awakens in a darkened room and her only company is Myron Finklestein, who convinces Supergirl to aid him in escaping. The Collector has a special capsule of sodium compound that can paralyze and finish off insects, INCLUDING spiders! Banking on the fact that this blue and yellow gas can indispose Silver Spider because she has irradiated 'spider metabolism' the villain and hero team up and eventually manage to expose Silver Spider to the gas!
Things go against Supergirl though when the Collector pulls a double-cross and uses this opportunity to take Supergirl's costume accessories AND steals Silver Spider's boots, web-shooters, and goggles while the Arachnid Angel is laying paralyzed on the floor, expiring slowly and painfully. Is this the end of Silver Spider, Supergirl, AND Jimmy Olsen? Will they escape the bomb that Myron has planted in the lap of the newly-expired Jimmy? Will good triumph over evil? Tune in, and find out!