SEASON 1, EPISODE 11. starring JENNIFER BLAZE as Diana Prince/WW and WILLY DIAMOND as the Crimson Glove
Taking place two months after the events of THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, a weary and still-exhausted Diana Prince returns home from work one day to find the I.A.D.C. national director in her home, unannounced. He tells Diana that she needs to deliver a message to her "good friend" Wondrous Woman and it needs to be done outside of normal channels. The I.A.D.C. director says that the government is so unhappy with WW's public relations work that they're considering removing her from the...
SEASON 1, EPISODE 11. starring JENNIFER BLAZE as Diana Prince/WW and WILLY DIAMOND as the Crimson Glove
Taking place two months after the events of THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, a weary and still-exhausted Diana Prince returns home from work one day to find the I.A.D.C. national director in her home, unannounced. He tells Diana that she needs to deliver a message to her "good friend" Wondrous Woman and it needs to be done outside of normal channels. The I.A.D.C. director says that the government is so unhappy with WW's public relations work that they're considering removing her from the Justice League and possibly severing all ties with her as a deputized and accredited superheroine. Diana (shocked by this news) finds out that the press is having a slaughterfest with her being orgasmed on national television, and she's lost all of her merchandizing rights, her public appearances, and her upcoming movie deal! Distraught, Diana asks what "WW" can do to fix her good name. The director comes up with a plan to fix Wondrous Woman's good name, but it involves a very dangerous rescue operation in the Carver district, a very dangerous location to be in at night. Diana hastily accepts the deal and then later spin-changes into her colorful spandex costume to restore the people's faith in her and her abilities.
Arriving at night at the warehouse, Wondrous Woman prowls along the periphery, using her keen sense of amazon hearing to listen closely at every doorway. Eventually she hears muffled sounds and screams coming from within a locked warehouse, a woman in! Using her super-strength, WW easily rips the door open and walks inside, only to discover that it is a trap! At first WW has to fight a henchman armed with a plasma beam emitter but a quick kick from the amazonian princess and she disarms the henchman with ease. The fight with the henchman goes longer than planned (because WW is still not at full strength because of her previous enslavement) and after a spectacular display of "lasers and bracelets" she finishes off the thug with a few well-placed judo chops and punches.
As the henchman crumples to the ground, WW drags him back up to his feet and interrogates him with her golden lasso as to the REAL culprit behind all of this. The henchman reluctantly is to admit that her enemy isn't Dr. Remorae, it's a new supervillain in town called the Crimson Glove, a dieseled-up weightlifter and super-strongman who wants to become the new mob boss in Washington D.C.! Thanking the henchman for his information and letting him go, WW confronts the mammoth villain and reminds him that in spite of his physical impressiveness, she is still the stronger of the two of them. Crimson Glove retaliates by hurling a ball of knotted rope at WW (which the amazon blocks by bringing her her magical bracelets) but when the knotted ball hits her bracelets it explodes upon impact and becomes cat's whiskers tails which tightly encircle and constrict her from head to toe! Now caught, the struggling and squirming amazon fights to break the thin white twine... but cannot! Every time Wondrous Woman flexes her powerful amazonian muscles, the ropes seem to feed off of her super-strength and grow and strengthen as well, always using her own power to make themselves just a little more durable than what she can use to gain her freedom! As the ropes tighten because of the proximity to the heat of the human body, the ropes dig painfully into her flesh and make WW grit her teeth in agony.
Gloating, the muscular supervillain taunts the captured WW and runs his hands along her body, enjoying the touch of her ultra-shimmery pantyhose and her tenderly-soft skin. WW, repulsed by this overly-macho juggernaut of destruction, still struggles to break free but the ropes won't give even a quarter-inch! Trying to hop away, Crimson Glove catches her before she can reach the door and lifts her effortlessly in the air as WW kicks and screams to be released. Eventually the bound amazon princess winds up on the floor struggling helplessly as a prisoner while the Crimson Glove leaves to go terrorize more people. Can WW gets away? Can she stop the Crimson Glove when he utilizes both strategy *and* strength to fulfill his sinister plans? Tune in... and find out!
This clip is for lovers of rope bondage, lifting fetish (WW is bearhugged and lifted off the ground by two different villains in this video, with WW kicking and screaming both times), lasers-and-bracelets action, spinning transformations, secret identity fetish, heroine-versus-henchman fight scenes where WW beats the living out of a poor henchman by kicking him, striking him, slapping him and then at the end sits on top of him for good measure.) This clip also has a self-debelting, bondage escape, pantyhose and tights fetish, male grappling and bearhugging, a very brief scene where WW is seen sucking on a dildo, and lots of bondage struggling (both standing and while tied up on the floor, along with voiceover sexy-talk by WW as she thinks about how much being tied up is turning her on sexually) as well as a brief spank or two on the ass, and a lots of scenes of WW escaping from her rope bondage through ingenuity and then repowering herself back up but unknowingly being set up for a bigger trap coming in part 2.