Practice Ice Cream Float Bloat Stomachache
My Rating:
Category: Bloated Belly
Runtime: 20 minutes
Date Added: 7/25/2024


This was a test-run for a full ice cream float bloat but it didn’t go as planned and I ended up with the worst gassy stomachache! It was my first ice cream and coke bloat for about 3 year, I was already full of wind before I even started so although I was initially going to hold in as much gas as I could I soon found that was more than I could cope with, considering I already had the bubble guts! So I let my belches out as necessary, and there were a LOT of increasingly foamy, gross burps bursting out of my belly! There’s also a fart somewhere near the start! Over the course of the video I ...

Practice Ice Cream Float Bloat Stomachache

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