You Have Awoken The Belly Genie! Bloated Hiccup-Burps Ahead!
My Rating:
Category: Bloated Belly
Runtime: 7 minutes
Date Added: 11/5/2024


You have awoken the belly genie from her slumber and now she’s ready to grant you three wishes pertaining to your digestive system! What a shame you’re not willing to play along and would rather see HER suffer instead! One moment she’s offering you the chance to do whatever you desire to your belly, the next you’re demanding she swells her stomach to a huge size, fills it with air and then develops a severe case of the hiccup-burps! What else can she do but to fulfil your every whim to the letter?

In this video I AM your belly genie, granting your every wish! Wanna see me bloat mys...

You Have Awoken The Belly Genie! Bloated Hiccup-Burps Ahead!

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