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2017 Resolution: New Year, New Body! (Set 2)
My Rating:
Runtime: 7 minutes
Category: Muscle Worship
Date Added: 01/05/17, 03:57 AM


Set 2: Lingerie

Mag Pie's getting started on her New Year's resolution: get in shape. Instead of being the creeper in the gym, get an up close view of a sculpted female body knowing she gets off on you watching her!

Set list: Bicep curls, 15 pounds, 10 reps

Overhead presses, 15 pounds, 10 reps

Overhead tricep extensions, 25 pounds, 10 reps

Tricep Dumbbell kickbacks, 15 pounds, 10 reps

20 squats, 10 in full camera view, 10 up close shots of the gluteus maximus... and even more in set 3!

10 jump squats

Right and lef...

2017 Resolution: New Year, New Body! (Set 2)

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720p - mp4 219MB
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