*****This Was A Video I Had Done For A Customer, This Is Their Script***
Premise: You would play a stuck-up elementary school teacher regressed to be taught a lesson.
Props: Stuffed, coloring book and crayons or markers
(1) Business attire wearing pantyhose and high heels
(2) Shortalls with nothing on underneath, one side unbuckled, barefoot, hair in braided pigtails, no jewelry
(3) Wearing nothing but a diaper, hair in high pigtails or in two buns, no jewelry
The scene begins with you coming home dressed in outfit (1). You are agitated a...
*****This Was A Video I Had Done For A Customer, This Is Their Script***
Premise: You would play a stuck-up elementary school teacher regressed to be taught a lesson.
Props: Stuffed, coloring book and crayons or markers
(1) Business attire wearing pantyhose and high heels
(2) Shortalls with nothing on underneath, one side unbuckled, barefoot, hair in braided pigtails, no jewelry
(3) Wearing nothing but a diaper, hair in high pigtails or in two buns, no jewelry
The scene begins with you coming home dressed in outfit (1). You are agitated as you call a step-mother to complain about her step-daughter whom you have in your class. She is being disruptive as she is very energetic and has a wild imagination. She is easily distracted. You explain on the phone that this is not proper decorum. Students MUST be focused on their studies at all times. Playtime is a distraction from studies. The parent begins to argue with you. You roll your eyes and say that you understand where her step-daughter gets it from with a parent that has "the maturity level of a preschooler." The parent says that she is going to teach you a lesson. You say, "Oh, you're going to teach me a lesson? I give lessons, I don't teach them!" You hang up. You begin to walk away while looking at your phone. You are then surprised by some stuffies on the ground along with a coloring book and some crayons/markers. Confused, you look around and comment, "How did these things get here?"
There is a flash and you have been mentally transformed into a wearing outfit (2) still holding your phone. You drop the phone, giggle and say to the stuffies with a lisp, "Me pway teachah!" You sit on the floor in front of the "cwass" and play with your toes as you tell them they "hafta be quiet and wisten." You tell the stuffies that you're going to teach them how to color. You begin to color in the coloring book while playing with your toes, scribbling wildly not paying attention to the lines. You say to the stuffies, "Me wike teachin' almost as much as pwayin! When Is gwoed up, I be the bestest teacher in da world. All da can pway all day and eat ice cweam and bwing stuffies to cwass and dey don't have to weaw shoes because me hate shoes!" You proudly show off your finished drawing to the stuffies saying, "Now dats how you dwaw!"
After you're done with the book, you start to suck your thumb and say you're going to teach the stuffies about body parts. You show them your eyes, ears, nose, knees and toes. When you get to your toes, you wiggle and look at them. You pull your thumb out of your mouth, look at it and decide to try sucking your toes instead. You suck your toes and say, "Yummy!" as you bounce up and down. You lean in close to whisper to the stuffies that "Step-Mommy doesn't like it when I suck my toes because she says dats what babies do but she isn't here wight now and I know you guys won't tattle on me 'cause we're fwiends!" You start to feel hungry and say, "Me hungy! Me call my step-mommy!" You grab your phone and try to figure out how to make a call. As you're playing with your phone, it starts to ring. It is the parent that you talked to before. You answer and say you don't want to talk to her "'cause she's a mean wady!" You say, "Me tell my step-mommy on you!"
There is another flash and you are now wearing outfit (3). You drop the phone and look around while sucking your thumb. Your brain tries to fight the baby transformation. You say, "Me not baby! Me big giwl!" You see your toes. Curious about them, you pull them up to your face and giggle and say, "Toooes." You begin to suck on them which completes the mental regression to . You can no longer speak, just baby babble.
You pull your toes out of your mouth and babble, "abagoogoo." You roll on your back. While on your back, you continue to play with your feet. You look at your toes inquisitively as you wiggle them, not clear on what exactly they are. You begin to suck on one of your feet. You pull your foot out of your mouth and babble/giggle at your toes as you wiggle them. You discover you other foot and begin to suck on that one as well. You happily suck on your toes, alternating between feet, even trying to suck on both feet at once. [I'd prefer if the foot exploration scene would last for few minutes]
You roll over and crawl around exploring the environment, finding things to pick up and examine or chew on.
There is a flash and we see you in your regular clothes, napping, sucking your thumb while babbling around it. You slowly open your eyes, sit up, examine your thumb and look around with a puzzled expression. Was it a dream?
The screen fades to black. Text appears stating, "A few months later..." We fade back in to see you sitting at your desk with your bare feet propped up on top of the desk. Your soles are dirty indicating you've been walking around barefoot. You are now wearing much more relaxed, more childish clothing with your hair in pigtails. You have a certificate or trophy, something to indicate that you've won a Teacher of the Year award.
The phone rings. It is a call to congratulate you for winning from the parent you talked to months before. The parent asks if you learned your lesson. You now realize that what happened to your before wasn't a dream. You say that you do think you learned your lesson and thank the parent for helping you get in touch with your inner .
You pause for a second, thinking, and mention that you had a lot of fun being little again. You ask the parent for a favor. There is a flash and the camera is on the floor. You crawl into the frame back in outfit (3) as a baby. Like before, your brain isn't fully babyfied yet. You say, "Me eat toes, be baby 'gain." You suck your big toe which completes the transformation back to being a baby. You babble, "mamadadagoogoo!" and suck your toes and play with your feet for a bit before the scene fades out."