Mia Wallace and Kacy March share one cell. The jailbirds going on the rampage and clowning around before the jail guards enter the chamber for a routinely visitation. Both girls have to face the wall for the cuffing drill, then, the search begins. The guards find some cream western and a bondage magazine. Such one-hand-literature is an offense against the prison regulation and as disciplinary action the airheds get shackled together with legirons and have to stay restrained till the next day. Harder reactions are not possible because the delict is relatively small. Notabene: Of course, the dir...
Mia Wallace and Kacy March share one cell. The jailbirds going on the rampage and clowning around before the jail guards enter the chamber for a routinely visitation. Both girls have to face the wall for the cuffing drill, then, the search begins. The guards find some cream western and a bondage magazine. Such one-hand-literature is an offense against the prison regulation and as disciplinary action the airheds get shackled together with legirons and have to stay restrained till the next day. Harder reactions are not possible because the delict is relatively small. Notabene: Of course, the dir...