in this boxing POV bout in the ring, you go against Kllr Kurvz . in rd 3 Kllr goes in big and heavy handed from the start landing a lot of hooks into your face. feeling a little pitiful for you, she urges you to take a shot at her. you take that one shot at her with nice punch that catches her off guard and you start a good rally of punches back that Kllr. for about a good minute and a half you was being aggressor, the alpha, backing kllr into the corner and also on the ropes, you even laid her out on the mat once and took your aggression on her with mounted punches. you get off her and call h...
in this boxing POV bout in the ring, you go against Kllr Kurvz . in rd 3 Kllr goes in big and heavy handed from the start landing a lot of hooks into your face. feeling a little pitiful for you, she urges you to take a shot at her. you take that one shot at her with nice punch that catches her off guard and you start a good rally of punches back that Kllr. for about a good minute and a half you was being aggressor, the alpha, backing kllr into the corner and also on the ropes, you even laid her out on the mat once and took your aggression on her with mounted punches. you get off her and call h...