in this boxing POV bout in the ring, you go against Kllr Kurvz . in the 4th and final round, Kllr Kurvz decides to give you a little treat. she takes off her top and gives you some eye candy as you feast your eyes on her boobs. yes suits on the gloves and readies up to box. this round goes almost like round 3 except shes topless with Kllr battering you around, you make a good rally and knock her down again but in the end she wipes you out and puts you away.
in this boxing POV bout in the ring, you go against Kllr Kurvz . in the 4th and final round, Kllr Kurvz decides to give you a little treat. she takes off her top and gives you some eye candy as you feast your eyes on her boobs. yes suits on the gloves and readies up to box. this round goes almost like round 3 except shes topless with Kllr battering you around, you make a good rally and knock her down again but in the end she wipes you out and puts you away.