Ankle boot is stuck
My Rating:
Category: Stuck
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 7/31/2021


Today I'm going for a walk on the sandy beach. It's not that warm today. That's why I put on my jeans and the tights underneath. I also have my ankle boots on. I take a break on a bench and relax my battered feet a little. I take off an ankle boot and massage my nylon foot. Then I go on. My shoe gets stuck on a path made of wooden planks. I try everything to get the shoe free again. But he's stuck too tight. I take off my booties and leave them stuck in the wood. Now I have to go on to my car. I have to go on with one shoe on and one shoe off. In the soft sand, that is good for my feet. On...

Ankle boot is stuck

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