"Veiled Jeopardy: Masked Struggles" - Agent Tilly McReese brought to location for eventual sale into sex slavery
Studio: Heroine Universe Nylon Fantasies
Here is a HOT custom-commissioned sequel to 'Veiled Jeopardy' (found in my store). In that previous project, we saw Agent McReese infiltrate a location, only to get captured and transported. In this NEW custom project, we find out her fate! In her sexy dress and sheer black nylons, we find Agent McReese in the back of a luxury car. She's been shackled hand n' foot with leg shackles and hand cuffs, secured together. She wears a mask, and underneath it, a ballgag. The driver opens the door to look her over - she screams and gag-talks at him from underneath her gag, threatening he won't get a...

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