Rise of The Riddler II: Black Canary's Crippled Cry
My Rating:
Category: Super Villain
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 9/20/2023


Lora Cross (Black Canary) creeps through corridors. She finds a sign, then reaches the top of the belltower. She comes to a door and opens it, leading her into a smoky circus-tented room with Daisy Ducati (dressed as a gypsy) inside. Lora confronts Daisy who tells her to sit down for a card reading. Lora refuses and realizes there’s a strange odor. She then sits down and Daisy produces a tarot deck, which she deals. Lora rises and lets loose her Canary Cry, which doesn’t affect Daisy. Lora is puzzled, and Daisy says the incense disabled her Cry. Daisy rises, slips on a black leather glove a...

Rise of The Riddler II: Black Canary's Crippled Cry

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