Office workers Kate and Kaicee catch a male colleague reading an e-mail about penis enlargement pills. He insists they aren't for him and he was just researching it for a friend but they then find he has written the phone number down so he can ring it later. The girls tell him not to worry and that he can confide in them. They promise not to laugh if he shows them his cock but when he drops his trousers there is a short silence before both girls burst out laughing. Kate says it can't be real and thinks he has put a joke penis down his trousers and Kaicee says she has heard of inverted nipples ...
Office workers Kate and Kaicee catch a male colleague reading an e-mail about penis enlargement pills. He insists they aren't for him and he was just researching it for a friend but they then find he has written the phone number down so he can ring it later. The girls tell him not to worry and that he can confide in them. They promise not to laugh if he shows them his cock but when he drops his trousers there is a short silence before both girls burst out laughing. Kate says it can't be real and thinks he has put a joke penis down his trousers and Kaicee says she has heard of inverted nipples ...