A mail:"I think your site on net is great. Do you have made clips in rth nylons just of your feet and toes?? It would be nice to have clips just of feet and toes close up in grey or brown rrth nylons." Dear Bjorn, here is a closeup cut taken from several nylon clips (grey and brown nylons, like on the preview pic). Length 10min 20sec. VERSION FOR MODEM OR ISDN USERS!!! Lower resolution for a faster download. Use with real player. You will find my pure nylon store with wmv files here: http://www.clips4sale.com/store/3082 and all my files in mpg format here: http://www.clips4sale.com/store/2090 ...
A mail:"I think your site on net is great. Do you have made clips in rth nylons just of your feet and toes?? It would be nice to have clips just of feet and toes close up in grey or brown rrth nylons." Dear Bjorn, here is a closeup cut taken from several nylon clips (grey and brown nylons, like on the preview pic). Length 10min 20sec. VERSION FOR MODEM OR ISDN USERS!!! Lower resolution for a faster download. Use with real player. You will find my pure nylon store with wmv files here: http://www.clips4sale.com/store/3082 and all my files in mpg format here: http://www.clips4sale.com/store/2090 ...