Start of journey for m cane This was the last of his experiences to his journey of pain on this day of serving Me...... I had just Enjoyed helping him experience the lovely feeling of his feet, and now am going to end the session with a 20 stroke caning.......Yes of course I made him count them, and I had to laugh when he lost count and had to start again....... Yes he coped with the cane and I did explain to him that he does have potential to become so much more if he is willing to serve Me on a regular basis...... Will he do that...?. Only time will tell............ There are a few clips fro...
Start of journey for m cane This was the last of his experiences to his journey of pain on this day of serving Me...... I had just Enjoyed helping him experience the lovely feeling of his feet, and now am going to end the session with a 20 stroke caning.......Yes of course I made him count them, and I had to laugh when he lost count and had to start again....... Yes he coped with the cane and I did explain to him that he does have potential to become so much more if he is willing to serve Me on a regular basis...... Will he do that...?. Only time will tell............ There are a few clips fro...