Dark Angel (Hollywood) is sent on a mission to obtain a secret formula developed by The Chemist (Duncan). Although Dark Angel is able to ambush The Chemist, he is not about to surrender his new concoction that easily! The Chemist fights back, and once he gets the advantage, he punishes Dark Angel's sexy body. The masked beauty gets a horrific working over as her sculpted abs are pummeled, then stretched to the breaking point. But will Dark Angel be subdued, or does she fight back and complete her difficult mission??? Check it out!!!
Dark Angel (Hollywood) is sent on a mission to obtain a secret formula developed by The Chemist (Duncan). Although Dark Angel is able to ambush The Chemist, he is not about to surrender his new concoction that easily! The Chemist fights back, and once he gets the advantage, he punishes Dark Angel's sexy body. The masked beauty gets a horrific working over as her sculpted abs are pummeled, then stretched to the breaking point. But will Dark Angel be subdued, or does she fight back and complete her difficult mission??? Check it out!!!