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Wife beats the FUCK out of her bodybuilding husband in armwrestling while teasing him!
My Rating:
Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 08/10/17, 08:08 PM


Armwrestling this woman will litarelly shatter your ego away from your body.

Anthony is a 210 lbs 6'0 bodybuilder but when it comes down to pure strenght hes wife wipes the floor with him like a puppy.

Sabrina competes in powerlifting and strongman competitions and she has an huge sexual fetish for armwrestling and naked grappling.

Her most favorite foreplay before having sex is destroying a men in a physical match.

Sabrinas strong arms can curl 52 lbs (24 kilogram) dumbells for 8 repetitions for every arm!

Wife beats the FUCK out of her bodybuilding husband in armwrestling while teasing him!

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